Driving directions

Dear client!

Our stores are located at following addresses:


Nur-Sultan city: Turan ave, 24, "SaryArqa" mall, 1st floor, "Homestore" boutique

Working hours: 10:00-22:00, everyday

Store phone numbers        : 87784008833,87784009933

Furniture department        : 87018874592

Carpets department          : 87012125938

Home textile department   : 87019516830


Almaty city: Dostyk ave, 46, "Dogtas Exclusive" furniture store

Working hours: 10:00-20:00, monday - saturday

                       12:00-19:00, sunday

Store phones: 87751208282, 87751108282

Driving directions to "SaryArqa" mall in Nur-Sultan

Driving directions to "Dogtas Exclusive" furniture store in Almaty